FCC Resources

FCC Resources

Family Centered Care Organizations and Resources 

For Researchers:

  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - leads the Bright Futures program, a national health promotion and prevention initiative, that utilizes a family centered model of care
  • Family Integrated Care (FiCare) - The FICare model is an extension of the principles of Family Centered Care. It is an actionable model by which parents are true partners in their infant’s care, even when in the NICU.
  • Institute for Patient and Family Centered Care - advances the understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care. In partnership with patients, families, and health care professionals, IPFCC seeks to integrate these concepts into all aspects of health care.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) - developed the WHO framework on integrated people-centred health services to shift away from health systems designed around diseases and health institutions towards health systems designed for people.
  • For Parents and Families: 
  • Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF) - CPBF is a Canadian parent led, charitable organization providing education, support and advocacy for premature babies and their families.
  • Family Voices - a national family-led organization of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and disabilities.  Family Voices connects a network of family organizations across the United States that provide support to families of CYSHCN.
  • The European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI) - EFCNI is the first pan-European organisation and network to represent the interests of preterm and newborn infants and their families. It brings together parents, healthcare experts from different disciplines, and scientists with the common goal of improving long-term health of preterm and newborn children. EFCNI’s vision is to ensure the best start in life for every baby.